Hello Everyone… I am Stavroula!!!
Welcome to my Travel Page!
This page is a travel diary, with notes and tips, pictures and videos, ideas and hopefully loads of inspiration!!!
It is also the space where I will be sharing with you my travel experiences on the go and what’s more… in Real-Time!
Real-Time means being interactive.
It means you can influence my travel plans by suggesting a new itinerary.
By proposing places I should see. And by meeting up if you are also around!
Real-Time also means that I will be making my mind on where to go next on the spot.
And I will try to show you how it looks like being flexible and spontaneous. And fearless!
At the end of the day, I hope I will be able to show you that travelling is not an expensive hobby…
That it is equally enjoyable travelling solo and travelling with friends…
That the plane will not crash…
That you don’t need to be fluent in any language to go see the world…
That you should start trusting people, rather being afraid of them…
That it is only when you get lost, that you will eventually find yourself…
Thanks for following!!!